“Mr. Swope has completed numerous development and manufacturing projects for me. They have included PCB design, firmware, lighting class LEDs and multiple communications protocols. In every case his work is well executed, timely and cost effective.”
“John is very talented and I have truly enjoyed working with him on several engineering projects involving medical grade lasers. He has been instrumental in overcoming some extreme technical challenges.”
Why Choose Us
Cross-Disciplinary Capability Saves Time & Money
Friendly, Personal Attention Assures Your Project Stays on Track
Proven -Year Track Record
In-House Design Tools, Rapid Prototyping & CNC Milling Saves Time & Money
Design Capabilities
Embedded Systems
All Major Platforms
ARM, Atmel, Cypress PSoC, Motorola ( Analog & Digital Circuit Design and Related Firmware)
Advanced Algorithms
Control Loops, Sensor Fusion
Extended Kalman Filters, Optimal State Estimation, PID Control, Quaternion State Representation
Electronics to Interface to The World
Circuit Design & firmware to Control Actuators, Motors, Feedback Loops, Sensors, etc.
Power Systems
Power Conversion, Motor Drivers
Design of Buck/Boost Converters, Motor Control (Brushed, BLDC, Stepper, Servo), Actuator Power Circuitry, Laser Power Circuitry
Modern Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Custom Development of IMU, GCS, BLDC Motor control, Aircraft Attitude & Position Control, Telemetry/Communications, Data Logging
Mission-Critical Systems
High MTBF, Low Failure rate
Design of Redundant Hardware Architectures, Design for Reliability, Time-Triggered Determinant Firmware, Circuit Simulation & Validation